Cats are especially expressive creatures, and they're constantly telling you exactly how they're feeling – all you have to practise is learn to "speak cat"! Hither are ten common true cat behaviors interpreted, and then that you can understand their needs and personality improve:

  1. Sniffing your face up: Cats rely heavily on their potent sense of smell to give them data about food, prey, and their full general surroundings. When a cat sniffs your face, they're but trying to commit your scent to memory. It helps them build trust and familiarity, so let your cat sniff away!
  2. Rubbing cheeks on everything: When a cat rubs their cheeks against your hand, the doorway, furniture, or other objects around the house they are essentially marking their territory. Cats take olfactory property glands around their rima oris, mentum, and cheeks that exit behind their unique olfactory property when rubbed. This behavior is known as "bunting."
  3. Dull glimmer: You may take noticed your cat studying y'all from afar, with a relaxed gaze and a slow-motion blink. When your cat tedious-blinks, they're telling yous they are comfy in your presence and enjoy your visitor. Yous can return the gesture by slowing shutting your eyes and opening them.
  4. Head-butts: When it comes to showing affection, our feline friends don't concord back. Some cats like to barrel their heads against your hand or face to enquire for attention or head scratches. This is a friendly and loving gesture between cat and man, and means your cat is in the mood to be social.
  5. Kneading: Besides known every bit "making biscuits," cats sometimes make a kneading gesture with their front paws. This behavior has its roots in kittens' action when nursing, and it can be comforting and calming to cats of any age. It used to be believed that this behavior was a sign the cat was weaned from their mother as well shortly, merely there is footling evidence to support this.
  6. Surprise "gifts": Cats are known for their splendid hunting abilities, and although housecats no longer need these skills to feed themselves, their instinct to hunt is even so strong. It's not uncommon for cats to bring their humans the remains of a expressionless (or live!) rodent or bird. If your true cat does this, it's because they are trying to mother you or teach yous to hunt.
  7. Purring: A cat's purr is recognized as a sign of contentment, but cats actually purr for a few different reasons. For instance, cats sometimes purr to calm themselves down when sick, stressed, or injured. Purring releases endorphins that tin can reduce hurting, and the small-scale vibrations tin even help with healing.
  8. Chattering: Chattering is a funny audio cats commonly brand when watching a bird through the window. Cats chatter to mimic the chirps and chatters that birds make, or that their prey would brand. Some people believe that chattering indicates their frustration at not beingness able to chase or catch the bird they are watching. Or, it could be a sign of eager excitement.
  9. Lying abdomen up: A cat is at their well-nigh vulnerable state when lying with an upturned belly and legs spread out. Lying abdomen up means your true cat is comfy, relaxed, and trusting. When they lie in this position, they are proverb, "I feel prophylactic effectually yous." Flopping down and rolling over at your anxiety might also exist an invitation for petting or snuggles.
  10. Tail curved around you: Cats aren't always then If your cat snuggles upwardly to you lot and wraps their tail around you, he or she is giving you a hug!

Get an up-shut, person-to-cat feel of these behaviors. Browse adoptable cats nigh you on today and give ane a loving, new dwelling house.