All Works Out in the Wash Funny

The Wash (2001) Poster

6 /10

The laughs aren't really there, but the style is cool

The Wash is like hip-hop eye candy- it looks cool and even tempting, but when you try and hear the jokes it registers that it's stupid a lot of the time. The Wash, from co-writer of Friday, also did 3 strikes which was interesting some of the time but not totally as funny as it should've been. Pooh's new film is like that, yet instead of being interesting it's hip and flashy.

Snoop Dogg and Dr. Dre star here (not there first film together, the better film Training Day comes to mind) as two guys who usually have what most young urban professionals want- weed, hoes and uh, bling bling. But the money well has run dry and a 3 day notice has just been put up and in order for dre to pay his half of the rent he gets a job with the car wash Snoop Dogg works. He starts to realize Snoop at work is a complete slacker as tensions start to build between the two, but this changes when their boss (played mostly dead-pan by George Wallace) gets kidnapped.

Sometimes it's laugh out loud, other times it's so quiet in the theater after a bad joke you can actually hear crickets chirp. In other words, it's stupid, low brow fun with many cameos- Tommy Chong, Eminem, Shaquille O'Neil, Pauly Shore, Tiny Lester, writer/director Pooh as one of the kidnappers and a couple of minor characters from Friday and 3 strikes. Between B- and C+

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On contrary to other people's view, I thought this was funny.

Now I know many people might not agree with me but then again, I don't give a s**t. This movie had me laughing at nearly every scene, especially Slim Shady who played this mentally deranged prank caller. I laughed so hard at everything. Some parts left me in wonder but whatever, I couldn't help but laugh. I liked it and honestly I would watch it again and again.

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9 /10


This is a good movie that is purely funny. It Stars Snoop Dogg and Dr. Dre with George Wallace,Bruce Bruce,Tommy "Tiny" Lister and DJ Pooh. This is a very west coast movie. If you loved "Friday" then you will love The Wash. Good acting and funny script. And it's refreshing to see Snoop and Dre hating each other. I almost forgot that they are friends in real life. This movie is really underrated. All the comedians play their parts well and Eminem's character is hilarious. The soundtrack is also great. My only complaint is that the ending didn't have much closure. All in all The wash is a great Comedy that's laid back and filled with cameos by Ludicrous,Xzibit,Pierre,Kurupt,Shaq,Pauly Shore, and Tommy Chong.

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7 /10


This movie still makes me laugh every time I watch it on video! Snoop is at his comedic talkin the talk finest and Dre makes a great straight man. For some good giggles, check this one out. It's worth a rental.

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10 /10

It exceeded my expectations!

Warning: Spoilers

*possible spoilers* I rented The Wash assuming that it would be a weak plotted over blown rap video... which for the most part it is, but that is not to say that I didn't enjoy it! The jokes were good, better than some of the jokes in movies that actually got played at the theater in my town! I thought Dr. Dre's acting was quite good, although I don't think it is fair that Snoop's rather detestable character got all the booty while Dre's character got the shaft by the woman he had just met and got left with nothing but some lotion "in case you get tha urge". Snoop's role really didn't deviate at all from the role he plays whenever he is in front of a mic or a camera which is okay but I would kind of enjoy seeing him do something totally unexpected for a change. I like the fact that the director gave himself the role of the dumbest guy in the film. The characters were all likeable and very funny. Although, as I have said, Snoop (who is one of my absolute favorite musicians, especially when teamed up with Dre)had a role that was really just more of the same. All in all, I really did get a kick out of this movie and I would say that it is definitely worth renting for sh*ts and giggles and if you are a fan of Snoop, Dre, Eminem or any of the great cast or if you love cheesy gangsta rapper spoof flicks then it is definitely worth buying! I only wish the DVD included some outtakes or bloopers as a special feature!! This movie is fun and should be put on your shelf right beside CB4, Fear of a Black Hat, Friday, Don't be a menace the south central while drinking your juice in the hood, I'm gonna git you sucka, or on a more serious note you could also put them next to Juice, Menace To Society,Boyz N the Hood, and Baby Boy! Oh, and soundtrack is great! I look forward to seeing another Snoop and Dre flick, if it gets made!

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They Got Jokes, But Not A Movie

watching "the wash" is kind of an odd experience. you laugh, you like the characters, but you wonder what the plot is really supposed to be. the jokes are there, so "the wash" is definitely a funny movie. in that respect, i enjoyed it. it seems that when d.j. pooh co-wrote the classic "friday" with ice cube, he definitely knew how to create hilarious situations and funny roles. but when he's on his own ("3 strikes" was his previous solo effort), something doesn't quite come off right. my main problem with "the wash" is the VERY ABRUPT ending. everyone will be like, "'s over". they don't even bother to really wrap things up. it's just BAM...credits. the ending is weak, it could have been better. they set it up like the end of "next friday", where a couple different antagonists are brought into one situation at the same time. but the audience doesn't get much of a payoff. as chris rock might put it, "the wash" will take your clothes off, but will not f*** you.

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5 /10

Hip Hop legends, they're better singers than actors.

Let's keep this simple, Dr.Dre, Snoop Dogg, Eminem and others are better singers than actors. That said it was funny watching them and I guess they had a lot of fun watching it themselves whilst smoking some weed. They're Hip Hop legends, swimming in money, and probably thought it would be fun to make a movie. I can't blame them but realisticly the movie oozes amateurism. But if you are a West Coast Hip Hop fan you will have some fun listening and watching them even if the story isn't really worth the detour. The comedy is just them talking like they record songs, that's always funny. The ratings are about right for this movie, I didn't regret watching it but I won't watch it again.

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7 /10

Not bad, not bad at all

I really loved this movie, great "black" humor. I had heard a lot of different opinions on it, but I have to admit I watched it primarily because I had heard of Eminems hilarious cameo. I couldn't have imagined that the movie would be so funny. Dr. Dre and Snoop Dogg are great in the leads, however, George Wallace is the funniest character. He mouthes off constantly, he won't even shut up when a gun is pointed at his face. The movie was somewhat unconventional, but it wasn't bad. It was better than most mainstream comedy I've seen. It didn't try too hard to be funny. It was a great look in to the world of the ghetto; the characters smoked weed, drank beer and cursed like hell. I recommend this to any person, black or white, who either lives in the ghetto, or know someone who does, or even if they just have a mild interest in life in the ghetto. I also think most people who are into rap will enjoy it; it's funny, and it has a lot of cameos by popular rap stars. 7/10.

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6 /10

Could've been a little better

I am a fan of rap music, the only type of music I listen to so I know Dr.Dre and Snoop Dogg very well, I have seen their previous movies. Before watching the movie, I knew it was going to be a horrible one, but not as bad as expected.

The synopsis of the story is about two friends, Sean (Dr.Dre) and Dee Loc. Sean gets fired from his previous job and has no money and they also have a three day notice before they get evicted out of their house. With no job and desperation of money, Dee Loc insists that Sean comes to his work and try to get a job there, a car wash called "The Wash". The Wash is a type of place worked by dumb people who only steal from customers, smoke weed, chase girls, etc. As Sean goes there and takes opening assistant manager job from the owner of The Wash, Mr.Washington (George Wallace). At the same time, Mr.Washington is going through a hard time at The Wash getting threatening phone calls from a previous employee at The Wash who was recently fired, Chris (Eminem). The employees at The Wash cant believe Mr.Washington had fired Chris because they all knew Chris was crazy.

The plot of the story was kind of stupid, but the actors did what they could to not make it as horrible as it would've been, except Snoop Dogg. And didn't like his acting like in all of his other movies, because almost at least 50% of the time, hes always a gangsta sort of type of person and it doesent seem to work in the movie. But there are some upsides to the movie. It actually delivered some okay humour especially from a character named "Slim" (DJ Pooh). His jokes are idiotic but has to make you laugh. But there are other jokes in the movie that don't execute due to it being played out. There are a lot of cameos such as Ludacris, Kurupt, Eminem, Xzibit and Shaquille O'Neal.

After watching the movie I was at least pleased it wasn't that bad. The only thing for next time, don't make Snoop Dogg play the same role for a different movie again.


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Absolutely HORRIBLE and HUMORLESS. Don't waste any money on this!

Warning: Spoilers

One of the main reasons I saw this film is because I love Dr. Dre and Snoop Dogg and this looked interesting. But it was anything BUT that. It had no humor at all. Basically, the whole film Dre was trying to get laid and Snoop was smoking weed all day at the car wash where he worked. Eminem is only in the film for one scene, where he comes out at the end with an AK-47 and shoots up his boss's car (who had fired him from the car wash where he worked). So the whole film they are in the car wash hanging out (nothing funny happens) and then two thugs kidnap their boss at the end, demanding $50,000 for his release. So of course, Dre and Snoop break into the kidnappers' house and rescue their boss, and Dr. Dre gets a major cash reward from his boss and finally pays his bills that he needed to pay. If you would like a stupid and not-funny-at-all movie about a bunch of retards hanging around a car wash and getting in fights and smoking pot, then by all means see this film. But if you are a normal person who likes Dre and Snoop and would like to see this just because they are in it, DO NOT!!! This is a complete waste of 2 hours of my time and I should storm up in the theater and demand my eight dollars back, even though I saw the film two years ago. HORRIBLE!!!

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1 /10


This is the lamest, most boring, stereotypical piece of crap ever made. What a bunch of zeros. I can't believe a movie this bad can be made!! Who pays money to produce this drivel? There is no story, no action, no jokes, no comedy of any sort, nothing in the least bit interesting, absolutely nothing, just a bunch of zipperhead rappers who have smoked too much dope to realize how bad their movie is. LOSERS!

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5 /10


Dre, Snoop, Corrupt, and Eminem, what a lineup,, the wash was a pretty decent movie about a pair of guys who get hired at a Car Wash so they can make some legitimate dough. the brothers are hired, without the owner knowing that they were brothers, and one brother is put in charge of the other one,, he has to keep him on the straight and narrow, and at one point geth the other brother suspended from his job. later on the boss keeps getting death threat phone calls and is kidnapped from the car wash, the rest of the boys at the wash must team up and get their boss back from the maniac who has taken him,, special appearance by Emenim at the end was hilarious.

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Warning: Spoilers

CONTAINS SPOILERS!! I must admit, I laughed twice in the 90 minutes I was in the theater. That breaks down to one laugh every 45 minutes. At $8.25 a ticket each laugh had a cost of about $4. Factor in that when I wasn't laughing I was insulted by the ridiculous storyline and I think you will agree that I paid too much for those two laughs.

The plot, (which I believe they wrote as they went along) was missing one very key element: LOGIC. It made absolutely no sense!! There were too many characters, the majority of whom contributed nothing to the story. There seemed to be no discrimination by the casting department as to who would make a cameo appearance in this film. Apparently, they didn't have to be funny, just willing. (C'mon Shaq, you had nothing better to do?)

Sean (Dr. Dre) was an unemployed loser who obtained an Assistant Manager position at Mr. Washington's (George Wallace) car wash where anarchy reigned. His least favorite employee, Dee Loc (Snoop Doggy Dogg) kept his own liberal work schedule, had sex on the job, sold drugs on the job, and stole from his employer. In addition to Dee Loc there was C-Money and L'il Dee who stole money out of cars, and of course we can't forget the token Hispanic and ex-con. At the beginning of the film, Snoop made the comment that the white man didn't care about the black man. As if the white man was the reason this group of losers existed.

So what's this movie about? That's what I asked myself up until the last 20 minutes of the movie. The owner of the carwash, (Wallace) is kidnapped by two bumbling criminals, one of whom Slim, (DJ Pooh) provided my second laugh. The kidnappers ask Sean to get the ransom money. That's when Dee Loc saves the day with a scheme worthy of Goldie the Mack himself.

Let's talk about the acting. In Snoop's case I'll call it reenacting, because he seems to play the same guy in every film. Ironically the same guy he plays in all of his interviews as well. I hate to quote Ice Cube but, `Yo Dre stick to producing.' An actor, you ain't. I think it is sad when the St. Ides spokesman (DJ Pooh) is the best character actor in a film.

I can't even recommend this as Blockbuster pick because $2.00 a laugh is still too much in my opinion.

Dre, the next time you want to make a film….don't.

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10 /10

Good flim funny as hell Dr dre snoop dog

Warning: Spoilers

Snoop Dog with Dr Dre The wash is a flim definitely worth watching I have lot of times snoop dog slams the door in cops face then turns music back up Dr dre s more of the good guy in this flim Top flim to watch over

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10 /10

Beautiful Insight into the Plight of the Inner City

The Wash is perhaps one of the most prolific and poignant films of modern times. It takes a serious, uncensored look into the difficulty of urban life. Through its nuanced and subtle character representations we can see the difficulties facing minorities in this country. I am ashamed to read many of the critical reviews of this film and I think they are missing the more important context of the film. To truly appreciate this cinematic work of art it is necessary to think of the context of the film through the lens of someone trying to survive in the jungle of the "bling-bling" mentality. What does it really mean to "pay the rent" as it were, or to "wash one's car?" These issues are brought to the forefront of consciousness through the beautifully shot and edited film. I dare any critic to give this film a second chance and not come away thinking "Wow." It is almost impossible to view this film without it touching you on an ethereal level.

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2 /10

I didn't laugh, at all

This movie was so damn slow, i have no idea when we were supposed to laugh, hated every minute and yet I watched the whole thing. Dre is a terrible actor, Snoop Dogg was annoying and he made me want to kill him, and all the others sucked. Eminem was cool though :D I liked him as that psycho guy calling mr wash every day to threaten him LOL

Lame plot, lame script, bad acting and lots of drugs. Good music though.

I'll give it a 2/10, and those 2 it's b/c 1 is for the music and 1 for Eminem. Here's my advice, don't rent it, and don't buy it, skip it unless you are a die hard fan of either dr dre or snoop dogg.

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5 /10

Don't wash away your time with this

The Wash is a movie that you can watch when you're bored or on a rainy day. Snoop Dogg and Dre are both wasted in this movie and they are both talented rapper/actors. The film has little laughs. The only good thing in the movie is Eminem.

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If you find 'hip-hop comedy' funny,then this will make you laugh..funny scences with Slim-shady,Shaq..Snoop Dogg acted more like a bully in this movie,and DR.dre acted more like a gentlemen..Agin it's a forgetable movie but a forgetable funny movie to boot,lol!


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The Wash, was nothing more than washed up.

I couldn't wait to rant as much as I could about this sorry excuse for a comedy. Some objetionable stuff like nonstop drug use and profane language made this movie worth not getting up and walking out of the theater, or taking the dvd out of my set and heaving it out window, but only those things saved it from getting a -2 out of 10. This entire script had absolutely no creativity or thought put into it, it felt like something you come up with at the top of your mind for a grade school project, like a novel at a preschool level of thought. If you listen closely to the dialogue, it's as simplistic as if the goal intent was to make this script 100% foolproof. In addition, there are way too many "run ons" in this movie, with small flaws that prevent the characters from sticking to the plot, as well as irrelevant little add-ons that have absolutely no point or place in the task at hand. I'm a big fan of Dr. Dre and Snoop Dogg, but this movie was, I'm sorry to say, a low point in both of their careers.

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All soap and suds?

I must admit, I was quite excited about the idea of DRE and SNOOP starring together in a full length movie. They work so well with each other. The short flick they made as an opener to the UP IN SMOKE Concert Tour last year was a riot! It had hot chicks, good laughs, and style. It's too bad they didn't do something more like that for their first feature length film together. The Problem with THE WASH is in the writing. DRE and SNOOP deserved a much better storyline. The plot of THE WASH was just too goofy!! And it ends so abruptly (after going through a whole silly story) that the end is no payoff. Actually when the credits start to roll, they show DRE'S smooth video for BAD INTENTIONS, so that made up for the quick ending. In watching BAD INTENTIONS, it made me wonder why they didn't elaborate on that idea for a DRE and SNOOP movie, where the duo end up at a fancy whorehouse and encounter endless crazy mishaps. It could be like a wacky PORKY'S for the new millenium with the kings of rap and their smooth antics leading the way. SO if anyone over at AFTERMATH is reading this, let's write it! DRE and SNOOP are both talented writers (which shows in their creative rhymes), They should perhaps co-write the next movie they star in. DRE and SNOOP are both on good game with their acting in THE WASH. It's just too bad that the material they had to work with wasn't strong enough. TOMMY CHONG also makes a hillarious cameo in the film...If you have heard DRE'S hot CHRONIC 2001 CD, you'll recall CHONG did a hillarious skit at the end of the disc...Well his Cameo in the flick is just as funny!!

THE WASH is worth checking out of you are a fan of DRE and SNOOP, like me, But for the rest, the silly plot may make the movie a WASHout. Atleast we got 3 new DRE tracks (2 together with Snoop) to give the movie some bounce. I look forward to the duo re-teaming for another film (and album of course)...BAD INTENTIONS: THE Movie All the way!!

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Good movie, love the music !!


I saw this on my local canal+ and boy was this a great movie or what !!

Dr.Dre and Snoop are just great love their roles, and the guest apperence by eminem he is very cool.

Last the music in the movie, its so bad ass. I love it !!

I hope that Dr.Dre and Snoop will make others like it...

Fred Denmark

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4 /10

I expected it to be better

Warning: Spoilers

Dr. Dre still can't act. Not surprising. His character is a real pansy in this movie. Which is aggravating. Snoop Dogg's performance in this movie actually got me mad. His character is such a bastard! He brings over whores, he smokes weed and blasts loud music while Dre is trying to sleep, he is a jealous bastard because Dre got promoted to manager, etc. It made me want to kill him! It made me want to crawl through the screen and punch him out. And Dre just sits there and goes "Ah, damn.." and he doesn't even do anything about it! It pisses me off! I mean, the movie was funny, but it made me angry way too often, which is why I gave it only a 4/10. And the cameo by Eminem is just lame and overacted. The way he keeps prank calling the boss is funny, but when he actually makes an appearance, it goes down the toilet. It had a few good laughs, but not nearly enough to counter-act the effect of that asshole, good for nothing son of a bitch character that Snoop plays. At least he did a good job at it.

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I honestly thought this was a funny movie...

In fact, not just funny, but hilarious. I laughed consistently throughout. Now, I know I may just have flushed my credibility down the toilet for admitting to have a fondness for this movie, but we all have our guilty pleasures, right? Having said that, let me explain that this is not a movie for everyone. There is not a moment when there is not some sort of objectionable subject matter on the screen. Whether it is incessant cursing, overt drug use, stereotypical characterizations, or a little bit of degrading of women, it's all there. Nevertheless, I think the reason I laughed so much was because the humor was not aimed at the expense of the characters. If anything, the director, DJ Pooh (of "3 Strikes" fame, haha) is making fun of the characters themselves. He is not using his stars, Snoop Dogg and Dr. Dre, to make fun of others. As a result, there is a lightheartedness about the movie and a sense that it is okay to laugh at and with the characters because it is all in good humor. At least, that's my explanation. Let me also point out that the film has almost no plot until the final act, which is when I think the film runs out of steam...go figure. Furthermore, all of the characters basically play there rap star personas (especially Eminem), so obviously characterization is kept at a minimum. It doesn't matter. I kept laughing from beginning to end, and in that way the film is successful. In fact, dare I say it, I think this film is funnier than "Friday." Oops, once again I just jeopardized my credibility as a serious reviewer. Haha. Don't take this one to heart. Final Grade: B

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10 /10

comebines my two favorite things car washes and Snoop

The movie is very funny and very well done for a low budget blaxploitation flick. Very entertaining story from start to finish and Dr. Dre and Snoop Dogg were a great pick for the film, they play off of each other well and churn out what is a damn hilarious flick.

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10 /10

I love this movie

The first time I watched it I didn't quite hate it but I didn't love it. It wasn't until recent that I have realized it the greatest movie. Dre and Snoop are perfect at playing 2 roommates with a multitude of problems. Dre is the protagonist as he transforms from a broke fool with a boot on his car to the manager of the car wash.

Snoop is the typical antagonist. He is set in his ways as the neighborhood tree store. He has his rent money. He sets Dre up with the job but then quickly notices Dre's new behavior. He subconsciously believes Dre has turned on him because of his new found authority.

This movie is of Shakespeare quality. The acting is superb and I love the cameos. Anyone who is anyone is in it. Bring me my chips, with dip, cause you delinquent!

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